About Us
Founded by Dr. Robert G. Danage, Faith Without Walls is a prison ministry dedicated to helping those who’ve been incarcerated return to a life of fruitfulness.
Faith Without Walls Prison Outreach Ministry (F.W.W.P.) is a Federal Offenders Reentry Initiative (F.O.R.I)
What We Do
F.W.W.P. offers a variety of programs and referral services designed to impact and improve the lives of individuals, families and communities effected by crime and incarceration assisting them in rebuilding their lives during and after incarceration.
We are non-profit, faith-based prison outreach ministry that offers and provides a verity of programs and services designed to break the cycle of crime, incarceration and recidivism though transformative and transitional whole person, whole family, whole community, services and programs.
Our Mission & Vision
The mission of Faith Without Walls Prison Outreach Ministry (F.W.W.P.) is to assist and equip offenders, ex-offenders (returning citizens) and their families with the requites skills, training, tools, and resources that will enable and empower them to rediscover who they are beyond their crime and incarceration and rebuild their lives by being redirected back into their communities as faith filled, law abiding, productive whole persons.
A Federal Offenders Reentry Initiative (F.O.R.I.) to restore broken lives, broken families and broken communities that are impacted by crime and incarceration
Our Founder
Combining his calling and passion to minister to those who are incarcerated, Dr. Robert G. Danage, founded Faith Without Walls Prison outreach ministry (F.W.W.P.) in June 2015 and serves as its CEO and President. After serving as a Federal Prison Chaplain and Chaplain Administrator for 28 plus years. Along with his wife Karen A. Danage who is also a retired Federal Bureau of Prisons employee together they have a combined 60 plus years of federal bureau of prison correctional experience.