God has given all of us two hands, one to receive with & the other to give with. Make use of both.

Who We Are

We are non-profit, faith-based prison outreach ministry that offers and provides a variety of programs and services designed to break the cycle of crime, incarceration and recidivism though transformative and transitional whole person, whole family, whole community, services and programs.

We are a 501(3) c Non-Profit faith based ministry federal offenders reentry initiatives that provides and offers a variety of programs and services designed to break the cycle of crime, incarceration and recidivism through transformative and transitional whole person, whole family, whole community outreach and support.

What We Do

We reach out to individuals, families and communities impacted and affected by crime, incarceration and recidivism by providing transformative and transformative referral services and programs. These programs and services offered by FWWP are designed to impact and improve individuals, assisting them in rebuilding their lives during and after incarceration. They include but are not limited to mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, crisis intervention, pastoral care and counseling, faith education, spiritual enrichment, education services programs to obtain GED and college degree, or vocational skills trades’ certification,  job training with particular emphasis on the skill trades (heating and air conditional, carpentry, plumbing, telemarketing, customer services, righting the wrong –victim impact, conflict resolution, anger management, parenting skills, social skills development, character development- making good choices, health, and wellness, medical and health care referral services, financial literacy, coaching, mentoring, legal assistance, etc.

Particular emphasis is on reaching children of incarcerated parents by providing before and after-school support services and programs along with Veterans who are offenders and ex-offenders (returning citizens) FWWP is a Veteran friendly prison outreach ministry that support and provides programs for veterans who are incarcerated and their families.

Our Mission & Vision

The Mission of FWWP

To rebuild and restore the lives of those affected by crime, incarceration, and recidivism.

The Vision of FWWP

Reimagine doing prison outreach and reentry ministry and breaking the cycle of Mass incarceration through transformative and transitional whole-person, whole family, whole community treatment programs and referral services.

We assist offenders, ex-offenders (returning citizens), families, and communities with essential requisite skills, training, tools, and resources that will enable and empower them to rediscover and rebuild back their lives by being redirected back into society as faith-filled, law-abiding, productive citizens.